Renewal and reinstatement of general registration

Renewal of general registration

Renewal timeline

Registration year for the College is from November 1 to October 31.

The renewal timeline is as follows:

  • September 15 - the renewal period starts
  • October 15 - completed information required for renewal and renewal fees are due
  • October 16-31 - renewal is still available, late fee applies
  • November 1 - renewal no longer available, reinstatement process applies

Renewal process

To start the renewal process, log into the HMS, and make sure to:

  1. Complete your continuing education and competency information as required by the CEC program
  2. Complete your active practice hours information to meet the professional currency requirements
  3. Pass the jurisprudence exam (first renewal only)
  4. Update the certificate of professional liability insurance if needed
  5. Update the criminal record screening document if needed
  6. Sign the legal statements
  7. Pay the renewal fee (Fee schedule)

Reinstatement of general registration

A renewal application may only be made until October 31 in any registration year. After that date, an application for reinstatement is required to renew registration and reinstatement is only available for three years following the date of the registration lapse. A reinstatement fee is required in addition to the registration fee.

To be considered for reinstatement by the CASLPPEI Registrar, you must log in to the HMS, and:

  1. Contact the Registrar and indicate you are applying for reinstatement
  2. Complete your continuing education and competency information as required by the CEC program
  3. Complete your active practice hours information to meet the professional currency requirements
  4. Update the certificate of professional liability insurance if needed
  5. Update the criminal record screening document
  6. Pay the reinstatement fee
  7. Pay the registration fee

Fee schedule